Who I Am?

I was born in Tiruchirappalli, Tamil, Tamil Nadu, India Tamil Nadu, India on February 25, 1981.

completed B.Sc., and M.Sc., Mathematics from Holy Cross College Autonomous affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, M.Phil Mathematics in Nadu India on February 25, 1981.

I completed B.Sc., and M.Sc., Mathematics from Holy Cross College Autonomous affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, M.Phil Mathematics in St.Joseph’s College Autonomous affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirappalli, and completed Ph.D. in Mathematics from Manonmanium University, Thirunelveli.

I am having more than 16 years of experience and presently I am working as a Professor in PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Cauvery college for women, Trichy. My research interests include Fuzzy Inventory Models, Operations Research, Data Science, Machine Learning, I have more than 90 publications in a total of which are 80 journal publications includes Scopus, Web of Science

Area of interest

Business Mathematics and Statistics

Differential Equations

Operations Research


Functional Analysis

Linear Algebra

Fuzzy Inventory model

Fuzzy Queuing model

Fuzzy graph theory

Fuzzy Algebra

Fuzzy measure

  • Awarded Gold Medal at the Under Graduate Level for securing the First Rank.
  • Won First Place for the Group Event “Hunt the Word” in Inter College Competition “De Novo Fest” 2002 .
  • I would like to do D.Sc., in reputed University.
  • Strengthen indexed journals Publications.
  • Getting Funded projects.

  • NPTEL Translation (English to Tamil)

    1. Rings and fields

    2. Transforms calculus and its applications in Differential Equations

    3. Differential Equations for Engineers


  • Participated in the Capacity Building Workshop on a e-Content Development organized by Cauvery College for Women in Collaboration with the Department of Educational Technology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy and developed 3 E-Contents.
  • Fuzzy set
  • Definition of groups in modern algebra
  • Definition of Permutation groups
  • Life Membership

    Joined International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications (IJMSEA) as a LIFE MEMBER for promoting multidisciplinary research in Science and Engineering

    Joined International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Advances in Engineering (IJMREA) as a LIFE MEMBER for promoting multidisciplinary research in Science and Engineering

    Joined Indian Technical for Society education (ISTE) as a LIFE MEMBER for promoting multidisciplinary research in Science and Engineering

    Joined Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) as a LIFE MEMBER for promoting multidisciplinary research in Science and Engineering

    Joined Indian Association of Social Science Research (IASSR) as a member for promoting research in social science

    Member of the magazine of MATHEMAJIK SOCIETY, Published since 199416/6 KV layout, Bengaluru 560011reg.no.10086 dt,11.11.97

    Worked as a MATHS CLUB coordinator and member in CITECH, VTU, Bengaluru, Karnataka

    Extension Activities Undertaken

  • Guided Eleven M.Phil (Mathematics) students in Mother Teresa University, Kodaikanal,(Part time).
  • Guiding Five Ph.D scholars (Mathematics) in Bharathidasan university.
  • Coguiding three PH.D scholars (Mathematics) in Bharathidasan university
  • Appointed as an External examiner for M.Phil. (Mathematics) in Bharathidasan university
  • Completed Microsoft Certificate of Recognition for ‘Getting Started with One Note’.
  • Awarded from Microsoft Certificate of Recognition as ‘Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator’
  • Appointed as an External examiner for B.Sc.,(Mathematics) Viva-voce in Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Trichy.
  • Question paper setter from Mahendra Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Kalippatti - 637 501.
  • Question paper setter from Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Trichy - 620020. Question paper Scrutiny board in Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore
  • Guided Nineteen M.Sc., (Mathematics) students in Bharathidasan University.
  • Acted as Reviewer for the paper entitled “A study of the particle swarm optimization convergence of special issue”
  • Committee Member of Guinness world record for the book “Thickest book in the world”
  • Acted as a Reviewer for the paper entitled “Lung sound classification using wavelet Transform and entropy to detect lung disease”
  • Acted as a Reviewer for the paper entitled “Interval -valued intuitionistic soft fuzzy graph”
  • Acted as a Reviewer for five papers in Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
  • Acted as a Reviewer for the paper entitled “Isomorphic Properties of Neighborly Irregular Cubic Graphs”
  • Acted as Reviewer in Advancing Research for innovations, Sustainability and Enhancement