Research and Publications

Research Experience

PhD Research title: Study on fuzzy inventory models

The optimization of inventory EOQ concept was developed to calculate replenishment order size for a single item inventory system without space constraints. The basic inventory EOQ model determines the order quantity considering the trade-off between order cost and inventory cost.

  • Chapter I deal with the fundamental concepts and a brief historical note on fuzzy inventory model.
  • Chapter II deals with the annual integrated total cost for both the vendor and the buyer and the total cost of the integrated two stage inventory system for the relationship of vendor-buyer.
  • Chapter III explains an inventory model with Taguchi’s cost of poor quality and on the boundaries of the fill rate in a fuzzy situation by employing the signed distance method which is triangular.
  • Chapter IV deals with the impact of stochastic lead time reduction on inventory cost under order crossover by using Yager’s method.
  • Chapter V discusses a sequential optimization method by using Kuhn-Tucker conditions with a variable number of vendors and quality discount and permissible delay in payments.
  • Chapter VI provides a closed form optimal solution to the integrated vendor-buyer inventory systems with backlogging level considering both linear and fixed backorder costs.
  • Chapter VII contains the fuzzy cooperation in a multi-client distribution network via fuzzy geometric programming.
  • M.Phil. Project Title: Properties of Hardy Spaces

    The project works on the properties of Hardy spaces. It is a scientific discipline of fairly recent origin. It is developed as a consequence of the attempts to generalize the results of Classical Algebra, Algebra and Geometry. The appearance of several monographs on recent studies in Operator Theory testifies both to its vigor and breadth. I have proved important theorems namely Beurling’s theorem, F.M. Riesz theorem, Approximation theorem, Gleason-Whitney theorem. These techniques are essential for the study of properties of Hardy spaces.

    M.Sc Project Title : Finite Element Method and its Applications

    The project on “Finite Element Method and its Applications” gives some basic numerical methods, which are indispensable for current scientific research. To obtain a better approximation one need not use higher order polynomials but a finer subdivision that increases the number of elements can be used. The accuracy in the finite element solution can be increased either by decreasing the size of elements or by increasing the degree of the polynomial in the piecewise approximate solution. The finite element solution converges to the exact solution as the size of the finite element approaches zero. It is used to solve the boundary value problems. This method can be regarded as analyzing conditions at a particular instant of time, that is, treating the derivatives with respect to the time variable as a constant in the variation formulation.


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